Schlissel Technical Consulting


The Need for the Proposed Duke Energy Indiana Edwardsport IGCC Project

November 2010
Presentation to the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission on the need for Duke Energy Indiana's Proposed Edwardsport IGCC Project
(Download the document)

The Economics of Existing Coal-Fired Power Plants

November 2010
Presentation at the November 2010 EUCI Conference
(Download the document)

Portland General Electric's 2009 Integrated Resource Plan

May 2010
Presentation to the Oregon Public Utility Commission
(Download the document)

Nuclear Power and Climate Change

February 2010
Presentation to Energy Law Class at Golden Gate Law School
(Download the document)

Retirement of the Boardman Coal Plant

February 2010
Presentation at the 2010 Public Interest Environmental Law Conference
(Download the document)

Energy Future: A Green Energy Alternative for Michigan

August 2009 (Download the document)

New Hampshire Senate Bill 152 - Merrimack Station Scrubber

March 2009
Presentation to New Hampshire State Senate Committee.
(Download the document)

The Risks of Building and Operating Plant Washington

December 2008
Presentation to the Sustainable Atlanta Roundtable
(Download the document)

Don't Get Burned: The Risks of Investing in New Coal-Fired Power Plants

October 2008
Presentation at Georgia Tech University
(Download the document)

Don't Get Burned, the Risks of Investing in New Coal-Fired Power Plants

October 2008
Presentation at the University of California at Berkeley Energy and Resources Group Colloquium
(Download the document)

Don't Get Burned: The Risks of Investing in New Coal-Fired Power Plants

July 2008
Presentation at the summer 2008 meeting of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners
(Download the document)

Are There Nukes in Our Future

June 2008
Presentation at the summer 2008 meeting of the National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates
(Download the document)

Kansas is Not Alone: the New Climate for Coal

January 2008
Presentation to members of the Kansas State Legislature
(Download the document)

The Risks of Building New Nuclear Power Plants

September 2007
Presentation to the Public Utilities and Technology Committee of the Utah State Legislature
(Download the document)

The Risks of Building New Nuclear Power Plants

May 2007
Presentation to Moody's and Standard & Poor's Rating Agencies
(Download the document)

Carbon Dioxide Emissions Costs & Electricity Resource Planning

March 2007
Presentation at New Mexico Public Regulation Commission Workshop
(Download the document)
Schlissel Technical Consulting Inc.
4159 42nd Avenue NE Seattle, WA 98105 USA (617) 947-9507